Sustainable Asset Management Takes a Long-Term Strategic View of your Infrastructure Assets

Combine Asset Management & Sustainability to build Organization Resiliency for Future Generations.

New or Updated Organizational Strategic Plan? Use Asset Management for better decision-making investments toward asset infrastructure to achieve Strategic Plan outcomes in a more efficient manner.

It is not uncommon for an organization to have a strategic plan to guide the delivery of services on their company. In fact, organizations may update their strategic plans on a regular basis, also designing master plans to implement certain strategies. Strategic plans, though, are typically developed with a strategic planner that engages citizens or the executive members of an organization. Frequent topics comprising a strategic plan include themes, long-term goals, and strategies. These topics are typically considered as Organizational Objectives. Organizational Objectives are eventually adopted by a governing board, and thus, a Strategic Plan is born! Now what?

Department Heads that manage buildings, sites, and municipal infrastructure now have the duty to align their services and outcomes to the new organizational Strategic Plan. This can be a hefty task. When it comes to physical asset infrastructure, operations and maintenance personnel are best sought to develop Operational Objectives. Operational Objectives deliver the infrastructure strategies that satisfy the Organizational Objectives of the Strategy Plan. The success of the Strategic Plan is dependent on the homogenization of these two objectives. We use Asset Management to:

  • Build Operational Objectives for asset infrastructure that speaks to long-term operations and maintenance strategies in support of the organization’s Strategic Plan. 
  • Align Operational Objectives with Organizational Objectives to create a highly coordinated corporate body that has a clear understanding of the Strategic Plan within multiple levels of the organization.
  • Develop key performance indicators to monitor operational processes against long-term objectives of a Strategic Plan.
  • Integrate resource management to track operational & maintenance processes against asset infrastructure Operational Objectives.
  • Refine your organizational chart with a culture of Asset Management to sustain a resilient asset infrastructure network.

Organizational Resiliency - Contingency Planning

Unexpected occurrences can consume an organization’s resources with response and recovery efforts. These occurrences can also have a substantial financial impact at many levels within an organization, and slow or alter the progress of achieving business objectives.  Knowing what value has been lost is part of the recovery process with coordinated documentation activities that may position an organization for grant reimbursement funding requests.  We have the expertise to ready your preparedness by:

  • Using Asset Management to develop contingency strategies for scheduled and unscheduled occurrences. Build infrastructure readiness for incident response, shutdowns, outages, or in crisis situations as they elevate. 
  • Coordinating systems of Asset Management, National Incident Management, National Incident Command, and other relevant management systems to build organizational resiliency and multi-jurisdictional cooperation during unexpected occurrences. 
  • Create Asset Management operation and maintenance strategies to support Emergency Action Plans against low probability high consequence occurrences.

Energy & Environmental Solutions

Find new opportunities with existing infrastructure assets to exploit renewable energy.  We use Asset Management, Strategic Thinking and LEAN practices to analyze the current state of your asset systems in order to realize additional value from existing infrastructure or new value from creating different business solutions.  We show clients how to align these solutions with long-term objectives and social, economic, and environmental principles for your organization.

  • Adopt or advance biosolids management to realize value, produce renewable energy, and reduce volume of sludge disposal with the goal of reducing costs.
  • Map the current state of infrastructure systems to find new operational saving opportunities with renewable energy sources from wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, or simply doing business more efficiently.
  • Implement organizational master plans and strategic plans by applying a Sustainable Asset Management platform to your portfolio of infrastructure systems.
  • Use procurement techniques like the Qualification Based Selection process, Energy Performance Contracting, Power Purchase Agreements, Construction Management, and others to deliver effective and efficient operational or energy savings.


Part of good governance is being transparent.  Whether it’s on your website or a stakeholder presentation, we help clients create an Infrastructure Annual Report and Report Card that provides an easily recognizable grading system for infrastructure types.  We model this on the American Society of Civil Engineers national and state grading system.

Transparency is conveying accurate information about your infrastructure assets. Generating reliable information for a stakeholder dashboard starts with the right software solutions that work for your organization. There are many software solutions that assist in managing infrastructure and systems of infrastructure. We have the knowledge to understand your Asset Management needs and align the right technological solution for you. Not any one software solution can manage all your assets. Let us help you navigate the technology and solicit vendors in order to deploy a solution that will demonstrate transparent asset results against your organizational outcomes.

Be Resilient. Be Sustainable. Call today to discuss opportunities in achieving your Resiliency and Sustainability objectives!

Contact Us Today! We look forward to hearing from you!

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Phone: (269) 870-0721


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